[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox BoF: Wednesday, August 25 at 21:00 UTC

James Valleroy jvalleroy at mailbox.org
Wed Aug 11 12:11:25 BST 2021

All FreedomBox users, contributors, promoters, etc. are invited to join the FreedomBox BoF at DebConf21 (Online). It will be held on Wednesday, August 25 at 21:00 - 21:45 UTC in the “Talks 1” Room.

In case you are not familiar with the term, “BoF” means Birds-of-a-Feather session, which is an informal discussion around a specific topic.


This BoF is for anyone interested in using or contributing to FreedomBox. It will start with a brief introduction to FreedomBox, overview of recent progress and roadmap. The rest of the time will be an open discussion. Here are some suggested topics:

    How are you using / would like to use FreedomBox?
    What hardware are you using, or would like to use?
    What Debian packages would you like to see integrated into FreedomBox?
    What software would be useful for FreedomBox, but is missing from Debian?
    How can FreedomBox become more user friendly?
    How can we promote FreedomBox to more people and groups?

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