[Freedombox-discuss] dev environment

Fioddor Superconcentrado fioddor at gmail.com
Thu May 20 18:58:22 BST 2021

Try http://freedombox.local

Find other options here:


El mié, 19 may 2021 a las 20:48, Tiago Zaniquelli via Freedombox-discuss (<
freedombox-discuss at alioth-lists.debian.net>) escribió:

> Hello,
> II'm trying do this steps...
> https://salsa.debian.org/freedombox-team/freedombox/-/blob/master/HACKING.md
> So, I got here, image below.
> So, what I do after that? Is it possible to access that website by my host
> machine? My target is to run freedombox after that to try to simulate some
> issues and to start develop that correction that I simulated.
> Regards,
> Tiago Zaniquelli
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