[Freedombox-discuss] Gobby/infinoted stopped working again... (certificate expired).

A. F. Cano afc54 at comcast.net
Thu Dec 28 20:23:44 GMT 2023


I guess this is going to become the yearly reminder, since apparently
the infinoted certificate expires yearly.  Last year I had no clue what
was going on and it took me weeks to figure out that the certicate had
expired and that was why the gobby client would not connect.  This year,
since I had taken good notes, it took minutes:

# sudo -u infinoted infinoted --key-file=/etc/infinoted/infinoted-key.pem --certificate-file=/etc/infinoted/infinoted-cert.pem --create-key --create-certificate

It would be nice is there were a procedure in the FreedomBox interface
to re-create this certificate (and notify the user that this is needed),
or better yet, to do it automatically.

Otherwise, very happy with how FreedomBox is improving.  Thanks to all
the defelopers.


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