[Freedombox-discuss] Since the dist-upgrade of 2 days ago, no packets flow in<->out

James Valleroy jvalleroy at mailbox.org
Tue Jun 13 13:25:04 BST 2023

Hello Augustine,

On 6/12/23 8:53 PM, A. F. Cano wrote:
> The issue that I have no solution for and is quite critical is that no
> packets flow through the firewall.  Even though the firewall page claims
> that all requests originating from inside should go through (and did
> before the upgrade), I have to disable the firewall to get and send email.
> Similarly, any HTTP or HTTPS request that doesn't go through privoxy
> (such as aptitude requests to the Debian repositories) fail.  I have
> encountered this before and it eventually got fixed.

There are 2 items that you can check related to the firewall.

1) Check that DefaultZone=external in /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf.
In case it is different, you can run this command to change it:
$ sudo firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=external

2) It sounds like you may be using 2 interfaces on the FreedomBox, one 
internal and one external. In that case, you will need to create a 
policy that allows forwarding between zones. There are steps listed 
here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2016864#c8

(Found this via a post on the forum: 

Hope this helps!

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