[Freedombox-discuss] Backups stopped working. Where are the logs? How do I debug this?

A. F. Cano afc54 at comcast.net
Wed Oct 11 21:21:53 BST 2023


In the notifications I see this:

Error During Backup
A scheduled backup failed. Past 56 attempts for backup did not succeed. The latest error is: [Errno 17] File exists: b''

This is a remote backup that has been working for a long time, on the
primary/production FreedomBox (apu1d4).

I have no idea what changed, except possibly an upgrade.  There is no
file: "b" anywhere in ~/backups/fbx on the remote machine.

$ ls -R ~/backups/fbx
config  data/  hints.4001  index.4001  integrity.4001  README

0/  1/  2/  3/  4/

and under each of these, files with names ?001-?999.

4 had 4001 and 4002 only.

How do I begin to debug this?  There appears to be no log file in
/var/log and I haven't found anything in /var/log/messages.



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