[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox 24.5 released

James Valleroy jvalleroy at mailbox.org
Tue Feb 27 03:44:51 GMT 2024

FreedomBox 24.5 has been released and uploaded to Debian unstable. 
Typically, the freedombox package will migrate to testing in 2 days, and 
then can be uploaded to stable-backports.


  * backups: tests: Don't use pytest marks on fixtures
  * container: Fix issue with missing make command on stable image
  * daemon: Add new component for daemons shared across apps
  * firewalld: Implement force upgrading to any 2.x versions
  * gitweb, users: Minor fixes for newer pycodestyle
  * locale: Update translations for German
  * pyproject.toml: Exclude the build directory from mypy checks
  * setup: Ensure that apt is updated before checking force upgrade
  * setup: Ensure that force upgrade won't run when app is not installed
  * setup: Minor refactoring of force upgrader class instantiation
  * setup: Try force upgrade before running app setup
  * tests: Patch apps_init for enable/disable daemon test
  * tor: tests: Convert to pytest style tests from class based tests
  * tor: tests: Fix issue with pytest 8.x versions
  * wordpress: Add shared daemon component for mariadb/mysql
  * zoph: Add shared daemon component for mariadb/mysql

The following people contributed to the git repository for this release:

- James Valleroy
- Olaf Schaf
- Sunil Mohan Adapa
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