[Freedombox-discuss] FreeedomBox data leakage, firewall issues.

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Thu May 2 16:25:11 BST 2024

[A. F. Cano]
> I have long noticed that there is usually some data going out of the
> external interface.  I have always assumed it was housekeeping stuff,
> such as dns.  However, Cockpit is now showing data going out at 1 Mbps
> and receiving at 300-400 Mpbs.  Something is going on that looks very
> suspicious.

It seem very different from mine, which is behind NAT-ing and only
available via pagekite.  As far as I can tell, only Tor and pagekite
traffic is present when I run 'iftop'.  Did you try to press 'p' to get
the port number displayed?  Any idea if it is TCP or UDP?  My 'sudo lsof
-i|grep EST|grep -v localhost' only show pagekite after I stopped tor.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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