[Freedombox-discuss] setting up freedombox for international file interchange
Joseph Nuthalapati
njoseph at riseup.net
Tue May 14 12:31:43 BST 2024
Hi Hugh,
If you want to maintain the archive with several redundant copies with
access to files using the local filesystem, Syncthing would be the right
tool for the job.
You do not need Samba to transfer the files across devices. Install
Syncthing on your local machine and connect it to the Syncthing running
on your FreedomBox. You can then put the files into the shared folder on
your local machine's Syncthing folder to synchronize them to your
FreedomBox and to the rest of the connected devices with which the
folder is shared. Synchronized folders can be accessed locally even if
the FreedomBox becomes temporarily unavailable.
Please refer to the manual page of Syncthing for more information.
If you want to maintain your files in a central location with no
redundancy (other than backups), then Sharing app or Nextcloud
(experimental) can be used. Nextcloud also provides synchronization
clients for most operating systems but it might not maintain full local
copies like Syncthing does.
Hope this helps.
Joseph Nuthalapati
On 14/05/24 06:18, Hugh wrote:
> Hi,
> I ran across FB last week and I thought that this is just what we need !!
> However, being a newby I'm asking the experienced (experts) for advice.
> Here's the problem:
> We are still a small group but we work around the world (established
> in Denmark and Canada so far) and would like to archive / interchange
> documents - not many - maybe 5-10 a month at present but hopefully
> more as we get going. And, also extend to some of the other
> communication tools that you have (so kindly) made available:
> To date I have:
> 1. implemented FB on a pi and
> 2. have had our ISP hook it up to a domain on their server (seems to
> work well)
> 3. installed SAMBA (hoping that it would be sufficient - however it
> appears that SAMBA only interchanges on LANs)
> 4. looked at SYNCTHING - but decided to write to you for advice before
> going on.
> Would this work? Transferring files from our desktops / laptops using
> SAMBA to the local FB installation (in the country we happen to be in
> at the time) then using SYNCTHING to move (sync) the files to the
> other FB installation in the other country?
> Thank you for your time & thank you for the effort and ingenuity put
> into this project (not the least - the documentation that is very good
> - having worked with doc. for many years I understand and appreciate
> the effort that you have made)
> Sincerely
> /Hugh Tucker
> +1 (250) 508 1229
> +45 51 444 123
> www.infomenta.com
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