[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox 24.19 released

James Valleroy jvalleroy at mailbox.org
Tue Sep 10 03:45:00 BST 2024

FreedomBox 24.19 has been released and uploaded to Debian unstable. Typically, the freedombox package will migrate to testing in 2 days, and then can be uploaded to stable-backports.

Highlights of this release:

  * mediawiki: Increase PHP maximum execution time to 100 seconds
  * names: Use systemd-resolved for DNS resolution

Other changes:

  * bind: Don't start a stopped daemon during changes/upgrades
  * bind: Fix port number clash with 'shared' network connections
  * bind: Set default forwarder as systemd-resolved
  * container: Re-run failed provisioning even if container is running
  * letsencrypt: Handle both standard and custom repairs
  * locale: Update translations for Albanian, Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, German, Spanish, Telugu, Turkish, Ukrainian
  * makefile: Workaround problems with systemd-resolved package
  * names, network: Re-feed DNS known to network-manager to resolved
  * names: Add option for setting global DNS-over-TLS preference
  * names: Add option for setting global DNSSEC preference
  * names: Implement a diagnostic check for checking name resolution
  * names: Restart instead of reload for systemd-resolved changes
  * names: Show systemd-resolved status in the names page
  * networks: Add more options for IPv6 configuration method
  * networks: Add support for DNS-over-TLS for individual connections
  * networks: Declare a need for DHCP/DNS ports to be open in firewall
  * networks: Fix focusing on network interface field on error
  * networks: Groups fields in create/edit connection form
  * networks: Set 'auto' as default IPv6 method in new connection form
  * networks: Show current global value of DNS-over-TLS and link to it
  * privacy: Implement a way to disable fallback DNS servers
  * privacy: Show notification again so that users see the new setting
  * storage: Handle grub-pc package not available
  * upgrades: Add repair step for held packages

The following people contributed to the git repository for this release:

- 109247019824
- Besnik Bleta
- Burak Yavuz
- Ettore Atalan
- gallegonovato
- Hemanth Kumar Veeranki
- Ihor Hordiichuk
- ikmaak
- James Valleroy
- Joseph Nuthalapati
- Sunil Mohan Adapa
- 大王叫我来巡山
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