[Freedombox-discuss] Next attempt to add Blends to Debian installer

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Sun Jan 5 21:20:19 GMT 2025

Hi Holger,

Am Sun, Jan 05, 2025 at 07:45:45PM +0100 schrieb Holger Wansing:
> We now reached the point, where all this can be seen/tested in the wild aka
> via daily built images.
> Please note, that the last relevant change did not reach testing yet, so you 
> will have to install sid from a trixie daily build image, to test this.

Sounds really good
> The usual, good old tasksel dialog now has an additional entry at the bottom
> "Choose a Debian blend for installation" (this is not chosen by default)
> [blendsel_1.png].
> If you choose this [blendsel_2.png], the blendsel dialog will appear after 
> tasksel has done its work [blendsel_3.png].
> So, the infrastructure is ready now, and I want to ask blend people for a
> list of blends, that you want to be included in this mechanism.
> I already came across the list in
> <https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/blends/-/blob/master/doc/en/04_existing_blends.xml?ref_type=heads>
> Maybe that list could serve as template? 
> Please provide a list at your choice.

Since not everybody is reading the Blends list I've added the relevant
mailing lists in CC.  I personally confirm for

   Debian Med     and
   Debian Science

> Also, if you would like to adapt the wording of the dialog, feel free to 
> tell me.

Please spell Blend in
  "Choose a Debian _b_lend for installation
with upper case _B_ (its a noun).
In the Blends selection I would start the actual selection (third image) with the
real Blend name like (and alphabetic ordering) and the "official" short description
(which each Blend in CC should answer)

   Debian Astro
   Debian Med (life sciences and medicine)
   Debian Junior
   Debian Science (various sciences)

Thanks again for working on this


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