[Freedombox-pkg-team] Bug#800816: plinth: please make the build reproducible

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sat Jul 2 22:02:38 UTC 2016

[Petter Reinholdtsen]
> Right.  I tested using faketime, and can confirm that the PDF changes
> every time.  The creationDate according to pdfinfo is also different,
> apparently it take between 3 and 4 seconds to generate the PDF on my
> machine.  But the PDF checksum changes also when the CreationDate second
> is same, so there is something else changing too.

I filed <URL: https://bugs.debian.org/828220 > and it have a proposal
for fixing the PDF creationDate.  But Sunil is right, this do not solve
the problem completely, as the included images are also presenting a
reproducability problem.  This issue is reported in
<URL: https://bugs.debian.org/796490 >.

A workaround is to use JPEGs instead. :)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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