[Freedombox-pkg-team] Bug#873946: freedombox-setup: Cleanup setup steps based on Plinth changes

Sunil Mohan Adapa sunil at medhas.org
Wed Oct 4 10:54:15 UTC 2017

I believe the patches are now ready for merge.  I have done the
following tests:

* In the image
- FIXED: /usr/lib/freedombox directory should not exit
  - first-run.d exists
  - setup.d exists with 86_plinth
- PASS: Four files should exist in /etc/avahi/services directory
- PASS: avahi-utils package must be installed
- PASS: Image contains file /var/lib/freedombox/is-freedombox-disk-image
- PASS: /etc/init.d/freedombox-first-run should not exit
- PASS: /var/lib/freedombox/first-run-enable should not exist
- PASS: /var/lib/freedombox should exist
- PASS: etckeeper should not be installed and should not be configured
- PASS: There should be no git repository in /etc/
- PASS: /usr/src/packages should not exist
* Plinth setup
- PASS: Building freedom-maker image should not have issues
- PASS: Setup should succeed
- PASS: Machine should not automatically restart
- PASS: Setup should succeed without network
* After Plinth setup
- PASS: Apache
  - PASS: Apache configuration must be properly setup
  - PASS: Apache must be running
  - PASS: Apache must have SSL snakeoil certificate regenerated
  - PASS: Modules disabled
    - PASS: mpm_event
    - PASS: mpm_worker
    - PASS: ssl
  - PASS: Modules enabled
    - PASS: mpm_prefork
    - PASS: proxy
    - PASS: proxy_http
    - PASS: rewrite
    - PASS: gnutls
    - PASS: alias
    - PASS: headers
    - PASS: php7.0
    - PASS: cgi
    - PASS: authnz_ldap
    - PASS: userdir
  - PASS: Config enabled
    - PASS: freedombox
    - PASS: javascript-common
  - PASS: Sites enabled
    - PASS: 000-default
    - PASS: default-tls
    - PASS: plinth
    - PASS: plinth-ssl
  - PASS: Sites disasbled
    - PASS: default-ssl
  - PASS: /etc/apache2/conf-available/freedombox.conf should exist
  - PASS: SSO private keys are created
  - PASS: Able to login to TTRSS, syncthing, repro
  - PASS: Non admin users should not be able to login to repro
    - NOTE: They are simply redirected back to Plinth
  - PASS: Unauthorized use of apps should send user to login page
  - PASS: SSH must have server keys generated
  - PASS: SSH shows as running by default
  - PASS: SSH must be running by default
  - PASS: SSH interface works
  - PASS: Disabling SSH stops server, disable port shows as stopped
  - PASS: Enabling SSH starts server, enables port shows as started
- PASS: Firewall
  - FAIL: Enabling Tor enables Tor ports
    - Only tor-socks service is enabled
  - PASS: NTP ports should be enabled
  - PASS: Avahi ports should be enabled
  - PASS: Enabling privoxy should enable privoxy ports
  - PASS: Enabling XMPP enables XMPP ports
  - PASS: HTTP, HTTPS, DNS and DHCP ports are enabled
  - PASS: Default firewall zone must external
- Avahi
  - PASS: Avahi should be running
  - FIXED: Avahi should have restarted and picked up new configuration files
- Network
  - PASS: One ethernet should be configuration as DHCP (internal)
  - PASS: More ethernets: First interface DHCP (external), others are
shared (internal)
  - UNTESTED: One ethernet, wireless: Ethernet is DHCP (external)
  - UNTESTED: All wireless: Should shared (internal)
  - FIXED: All network connections should be active (NM restarted)
- PASS: Automatic upgrades
  - PASS: Automatic upgrades are enabled
- PASS: Users
  - PASS: Should be able to create admin user during first-boot
  - FIXED: Should be to login with admin user on SSH
    - NOTE: Required restart
  - PASS: Should be able to sudo with admin but not non-admin user

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