[Freedombox-pkg-team] Bug#903924: freedom-maker: autopkgtest depends python-all but uses python3

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Mon Jul 16 20:28:25 BST 2018

Source: freedom-maker
Version: 0.18
User: debian-ci at lists.debian.org
Usertags: needs-update

Dear maintainers,

Currently the python3.7 transition¹ is going on, which means that
python3.7 is added to the supported python3 versions. However, since
python3-defaults added python3.7 support, your autopkgtest has been
failing. I copied the error below.

Could you please investigate? It seems that your test depends on
python-all, while the test command says: "for py in $(py3versions -r
2>/dev/null); do ...". I think you want to test depend on python3-all


¹ https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/python3.7.html


autopkgtest [04:53:43]: test command1: set -e ; for py in $(py3versions
-r 2>/dev/null) ; do cd "$ADTTMP" ; echo "Testing with $py:" ; $py -c
"import freedommaker; print(freedommaker)" ; done
autopkgtest [04:53:43]: test command1: [-----------------------
Testing with python3.7:
bash: python3.7: command not found
autopkgtest [04:53:43]: test command1: -----------------------]

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