[Fusioninventory-commit] [fusioninventory/fusioninventory-agent] f417ed: fix: recheck time to reload target after 30s

Guillaume Bougard noreply at github.com
Wed Apr 10 08:10:13 BST 2019

  Branch: refs/heads/develop
  Home:   https://github.com/fusioninventory/fusioninventory-agent
  Commit: f417edde127ca19b1c8753ad7de6ef851c78e9a3
  Author: Guillaume Bougard <gbougard at teclib.com>
  Date:   2019-04-09 (Tue, 09 Apr 2019)

  Changed paths:
    M lib/FusionInventory/Agent/Target.pm

  Log Message:
  fix: recheck time to reload target after 30s

This is a minor optimization as we just avoid to access the file each seconds

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