[Fusioninventory-devel] fusioninventory-agent-base on Slackware

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at rulezlan.org
Thu Aug 26 10:10:52 UTC 2010

2010/8/26 Guillaume Rousse <Guillaume.Rousse at inria.fr>:
> Le 26/08/2010 07:15, Pakdel Amir a écrit :
>> 2. I could not compile OpenSSL on my Slackware. However, the OpenSSL that is already installed along my distribution is exactly the same version; therefore, changing the following line in 1-build-perl-tree.sh I have linked against libraries on my distribution:
>> - PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 $PERL_PREFIX/bin/perl Makefile.PL --default --static --lib=$TMP/openssl
>> + PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 $PERL_PREFIX/bin/perl Makefile.PL --default --static --lib=$TMP/openssl --lib=/usr/lib64
>> As a result I want to know whether it is better to use libraries that distributions install on systems?
> If it wasn't, there wouldn't be so much interest in using a distribution
> rather than building it yourself. Morevoer, the more you deviate from
> your distribution, the less you can rely on support, either from the
> community or from a paying contract, and the more you're on your own...
I doubt there is a lot of distribution without openSSL in the base
system. That's why I think we can link on the system openSSL on Linux
distribution. That's not the case on the proprietary UNIX system.

I share Guillaume point of view regarding distribution packages, but
in a lot of cases, it's not possible to install a new software and
even more when it come from an unofficial packager. That's the reason
we provide the prebuilt packages on

Best regards,
     Gonéri Le Bouder

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