[Fusioninventory-devel] FusionInventory-Agent 2.0beta1

Stéphane Urbanovski s.urbanovski at ac-nancy-metz.fr
Sat Feb 20 09:53:48 UTC 2010

Gonéri Le Bouder a écrit :
> 2010/2/19 Stéphane Urbanovski <s.urbanovski at ac-nancy-metz.fr>:
>> Hi
>> Gonéri Le Bouder a écrit :
>>>       * Solaris: Bonding support (Stéphane URBANOVSKI)
>>> Please test it and report bugs.
>> My patch was for Linux (rely on sysfs), but I can't find it in this release.
>> My rewrite proposition of addNetwork() in XML/Inventory.pm has been dropped
>> ?
> I'm afraid they'd been lost. Can you send me again those patches?


Why are undefined tags blanked in addNetwork() ? I think this should be better done on server side to lower the signal/noise ratio of agent transmitted data.

Stéphane Urbanovski

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