[Fusioninventory-devel] FusionInventory / GLPI / OPSI interoperability
detlef oertel
d.oertel at uib.de
Thu Nov 4 19:45:22 UTC 2010
Hi Gonéri,
nice to here from you.
Yes , since Berlin we only worked on opsi 4.0.
So let me take your mail as wakeup call.
I installed the newest fusioninventory client on my PC,
run it local and found that for software inventory all (for opsi)
essential informations are included and for hardware inventory nearly
all essential information is present.
So I think it should be not a lot work to make this agent ready to run
with opsi: The results only have to be send in the correct JSON format
to the opsi server.
But before I get more detailed i see a more basic problem (not only for
The fusioninventory agent installs a small perl interpreter (which is
not the core problem) and sets a path entry to this perl directory.
And this is a problem, because if there is a other perl version on the
client which is needed by a other application i will get some trouble.
Even if a system administrator is not really sure if this problem may
perhaps be found on only some of his 500 clients, he will avoid to use
this agent.
This is not theoretical, but our experience. Our first software- and
hardware-inventory scripts where python scripts with a additional python
installation. And a lot of customers don't liked it for this reason. So
we switched to py2exe and deliverd the python code as exe.
I will give you some more information about the JSON format which is
used in opsi 4.0 in the next days. As a first idea I attached the
fusioninventory xml file from my pc and the opsi software inventory in
JSON from the same box and our swaudit script as well.
More information later.
I just wanted to give you a initial feed back today.
Am 01.11.2010 15:06, schrieb Gonéri Le Bouder:
> Hi Detlef,
> First, congratulation for the 4.0 release of OPSI!
> I wonder if since our meeting in Berlin you found the time to take a
> look at FusionInventory? We
> are working on the future agent and we are open to feature request and
> changes. So, if you're
> interested by FusionInventory hardware and software inventory, may I
> suggest you to give us
> an overview of the improvement you need.
> Best regards,
detlef oertel
Tel. +49 6131 / 27561-10
Fax +49 6131 / 27561-22
eMail: d.oertel at uib.de
uib gmbh
Firmensitz / Anschrift:
Bonifaziusplatz 1B
55118 Mainz
internet: www.uib.de
Geschäftsführer: dr. detlef oertel
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Mainz HRB 6942
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