[Fusioninventory-devel] agent for windows wiki documentation
d.durieux at siprossii.com
Mon Apr 11 18:35:17 UTC 2011
Le Mon, 11 Apr 2011 13:12:44 -0400
Tom Carpenter <tomc at bio.umass.edu> a écrit:
>I'd like to help with documentation on the wiki. I subscribed
>to fusioninventory-i18n
><mailto:fusioninventory-i18n at lists.alioth.debian.org> a little while
>ago; just wondering what needs to happen now.
Hello and welcome Tom,
We are very happy for your help.
Documentation is in dita (xml) and available here :
or on github : https://github.com/fusinv/fusioninventory-documentation
You can edit files with a simple editor or use graphic tool like serna
free adition (http://www.syntext.com/products/serna-free/). We writing
in english (it's not our primary language) and after we request for
transation in over languages in mailling fusioninventory-i18n.
If you are english, we will happy to correct our phrase and to continue
writing this documenation. We can generate HTML and PDF with compile
it. (in folder, run command : make)
In this mailing fusioninventory-i18n, we call for translations of
FusionInventory for GLPI plugins for example.
If you have other questions, we are available!
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