[Fusioninventory-devel] [Urgent] Absract for Linux TAG 2011

Guillaume Rousse guillomovitch at gmail.com
Mon Feb 7 19:29:00 UTC 2011

Just some wording corrections...

Le 07/02/2011 18:31, Walid nouh a écrit :
> FusionInventory is a set of tools designed to automatically identify,
> inventory and import information within GLPI.
...to automatically discover and identify *assets*, and import relevant
informations into GLPI (you're identifying assets, not informations)

> It is able to scan from
> simple computer the network and push it in GLPI.
Software agents installed on standard computers scan their local
network, and push the results into GLPI, used as a central control point.

BOFH excuse #299:

The data on your hard drive is out of balance.

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