[Fusioninventory-devel] Import OCS agent in plugin FusionInventory plugins (in dev now)

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at rulezlan.org
Thu Feb 10 09:25:14 UTC 2011

2011/2/10 David DURIEUX <d.durieux at siprossii.com>

> Le Thu, 10 Feb 2011 09:53:10 +0100
> Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri at rulezlan.org> a écrit:
> >2011/2/10 David DURIEUX <d.durieux at siprossii.com>

> Yes but in the case of you manage different operating systems, it will
> not works.. but in most cases it can be a good option.

If UserAgent from a broken OCS agent; then
  we overwrite the charset;

We just have to correctly identify the OCS < 2.0 agent.

     Gonéri Le Bouder
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