[Fusioninventory-devel] Kakemono project for the french Perl group

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at rulezlan.org
Thu Jan 6 20:39:37 UTC 2011


The french Perl evangelist kindly suggested to by us some t-shirt to promote
FusionInventory since it's the whole agent is written in Perl. This a great
honor for us. During conversation, we suggested them to get us a Kakemono
instead because something expensive and that will be useful for the coming
meeting (say Solutions Linux 2010 in Paris). By googling a bit a found some
example, and the common size appears to be 1mx2m here in europa.

So I took my favorite SVG editor and did a initial draft. The file attached.
Initially I was hopping to be able to put the Perl onion logo somewhere.
Sadly I can't find a way to do that or the result is just ugly.

I decide to put no text or advertising in order to be able to keep the
Kakemono for the coming years. I'm not convicted it's a good idea...

Any opinion regarding the draft?

Best regards,
     Gonéri Le Bouder
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