[Fusioninventory-devel] Proposed enhancements/corrections

Oliver Tuschhoff mail at oliver-tuschhoff.de
Tue Oct 4 13:32:51 UTC 2011

Dear FusionInventory-Team,

thank you for providing such a great piece of software. While deploying the
Agent into our environment I had to make several enhancements/corrections
which I wanted to give back (against Version 2.1.10):

Correcting the name of a utilized function of the Win32::Daemon package from
LastControlMessage() to QueryLastMessage().
The change in the underlying package seems to have happened in version
20101014 and is still current (

While calling zonename to detect the zone-type, a newline-char (outputted by
zonename) prevents the correct detection.
The proposed patch sanitizes the output of zonename by piping its output
into tr -d [[:cntrl:]].
Affected solaris-plugins: CPU, Bios, Memory, Networks

While checking the autospeed-status of a bge network-adapter, the called
system-app (ndd) seems to be given bogus variables, which prevents correct
detection. The proposed patch aligns the variables of the affected call with
the rest of the plugin.

In our solaris-environment, the current CPU-plugin had severe problems
detecting the correct values. The proposed patch exchanges the whole
plugin for a kstat-based plugin. As an added benefit, the plugin-size and
complexity is severely shrunk.

The respective patches have been tested on:
- Windows 2003 R2/2008
- Solaris 10: x86/SPARC, global/local zone

I'd love to hear your feedback and would be thankful for including these
proposed patches.
Please notify me if I could be of any assistance.

Best regards,
Oliver Tuschhoff

Oliver Tuschhoff - Beratung und Training
Steinackerstr. 17, 64285 Darmstadt
Tel.:      +49 176 2378 0610
E-Mail:  mail at oliver-tuschhoff.de
Skype:  oliver.tuschhoff
URL:     www.oliver-tuschhoff.de
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