[Fusioninventory-devel] New module for virt-top

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at rulezlan.org
Mon Apr 2 10:07:42 UTC 2012

Le 2 avril 2012 11:57, DuyLong <dle at unistra.fr> a écrit :
> Hi,

> Thanks to virt-top, I want extract some infos (Total CPU, RAM availables,
> Historical %CPU on the hypervisor, %CPU and %MEM used by each VM...)

I believe these informations are related to <VIRTUALMACHINES /> nodes. Do you
think we can extend it with some new keys to collect these informations?

I think any hypervisor solution will provide more or less the same informations.

We are very close to a monitoring solution. Users will expect the same
from the base system. I've myself no strong objection regarding that.

Best regards,
     Gonéri Le Bouder

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