[Fusioninventory-devel] Building the FusionInventory Agent Windows package...
Tomás Abad
tabadgp at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 16:44:39 UTC 2012
Hello to everybody,
As some of you know, I'm writing a new Windows installer for
FusionInventory Agent. This morning I have started to building the
package (Perl, Perl modules, FusionInventory Agent, commands, etc.) that
the installer should to install into the Windows client.
At the moment I have alone downloaded the portable edition of
Strawberry Perl May 2012 v5.16.0.1, for 32 and 64 bits.
Whether I'm not wrong, the Perl modules required for FusionInventory
Agent v2.2.3-1 are:
.- Compress-Zlib-2.015
(Last version in CPAN: Compress-Zlib-2.052)**
.- Crypt-SSLeay-0.57
(Last version in CPAN: Crypt-SSLeay-0.58)**
.- Digest-MD5-2.39
(Last version in CPAN: Digest-MD5-2.52)**
.- Net-IP-1.25
(This is the last version in CPAN)
.- Net-NBName-0.26
(This is the last version in CPAN)
.- Net-SNMP-v6.0.0
(Last version in CPAN: Net-SNMP-v6.0.1)**
.- Module-Install-0.95
(Last version in CPAN: Module-Install-1.06)**
.- File-Copy-Recursive-0.38
(This is the last version in CPAN)
.- File-ShareDir-1.02
(Last version in CPAN: File-ShareDir-1.03)**
.- UNIVERSAL-require-0.13
(This is the last version in CPAN)
.- Win32-Daemon
(Last version in CPAN: Win32-Daemon-20110117)**
.- Win32-OLE-0.1709
(This is the last version in CPAN)
.- XML-LibXML-1.70
(Last version in CPAN: XML-LibXML-2.0002)**
.- XML-Simple-2.18
(Last version in CPAN: XML-Simple-2.20)**
As you can see, most of them have a new release in CPAN and here is
where two questions arise me
a) Is there any problem if I make use of the new releases of these
Perl modules?
b) Otherwise, what release of Win32-Daemons should I to make use?
On another hand, Strawberry Perl May 2012 v5.16.0.1 includes the
following Perl modules by default:
Strawberry Perl May 2012 v5.16.0.1 32 bits
.- (60) Crypt-SSLeay-0.58 **
.- (92) File-Copy-Recursive-0.38
.- (99) File-ShareDir-1.03 **
.- (240) Win32-OLE-0.1709
.- (248) XML-LibXML-1.98 **
.- (254) XML-Simple-2.18
(See http://strawberryperl.com/release-notes/
Strawberry Perl May 2012 v5.16.0.1 64 bits
.- (56) Crypt-SSLeay-0.58 **
.- (88) File-Copy-Recursive-0.38
.- (95) File-ShareDir-1.03 **
.- (234) Win32-OLE-0.1709
.- (242) XML-LibXML-1.98 **
.- (248) XML-Simple-2.18
(See http://strawberryperl.com/release-notes/
And here come my third question
c) Is there any problem if I make use of these Perl modules
included in Strawberry Perl or it's better whether I make use
the last Perl modules releases?
Another question. Like there are Strawberry Perl May 2012 v5.16.0.1
for 32 and 64 bits
d) Is there any problem if I make use of Strawberry Perl May 2012
v5.16.0.1 32bits to build an installer for Microsoft Windows
32bits platforms and Strawberry Perl May 2012 v5.16.0.1 64bits
to build another installer for Microsoft Windows 64bits
Thanks in advance.
Tomas Abad
Ingeniero de Sistemas / Systems Engineer
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