[Fusioninventory-devel] Building the FusionInventory Agent Windows package...

Tomás Abad tabadgp at gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 10:41:11 UTC 2012

   Hello to everybody,

   Thanks to the help of Gonéri and Guillaume (and to read some
Makefile.PL files) I have been able of build this list of Perl modules
needed for

      .- FusionInventory-Agent-2.2.3
      .- FusionInventory-Agent-Task-Deploy-2.0.2
      .- FusionInventory-Agent-Task-ESX-2.1.0
      .- FusionInventory-Agent-Task-NetDiscovery-2.1 and
      .- FusionInventory-Agent-Task-NetInventory-2.1

whether you want to use these in Microsoft Windows OS with Strawberry
Perl v5.16.0.1 - 32/64 bits (Portable Edition).

   Perl modules for FusionInventory-Agent-2.2.3
      .- Digest-MD5-2.52 (Digest::MD5)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- File-Which-1.09 (File::Which)
            (The last version in CPAN)
            (Included into Strawberry Perl v5.16.0.1 - 32 & 64 bits)

      .- HTTP-Daemon-6.01 (HTTP::Daemon)
            (The last version in CPAN)
            (Included into Strawberry Perl v5.16.0.1 - 32 & 64 bits)

      .- IO-Compress-2.052 (Compress::Zlib)
            (The last version in CPAN)
            (Included into Strawberry Perl v5.16.0.1 - 32 & 64 bits)

      .- IO-Socket-SSL-1.76 (IO::Socket::SSL)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- libwww-perl-6.04 (LWP)
            (The last version in CPAN)
            (Included into Strawberry Perl v5.16.0.1 - 32 & 64 bits)

      .- LWP-Protocol-https-6.03 (LWP::Protocol::https)
            (The last version in CPAN)
            (Included into Strawberry Perl v5.16.0.1 - 32 & 64 bits)

      .- Net-IP-1.25 (Net::IP)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- Text-Template-1.45 (Text::Template)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- UNIVERSAL-require-0.13 (UNIVERSAL::require)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- Win32-OLE-0.1709 (Win32::OLE)
            (The last version in CPAN)
            (Included into Strawberry Perl v5.16.0.1 - 32 & 64 bits)

      .- Win32-TieRegistry-0.26 (Win32::TieRegistry)
            (The last version in CPAN)
            (Included into Strawberry Perl v5.16.0.1 - 32 & 64 bits)

      .- XML-TreePP-0.41 (XML:TreePP)
            (The last version in CPAN)

   Perl modules for FusionInventory-Agent-Task-Deploy-2.0.2
      .- Archive-Extract-0.60 (Archive::Extract)
            (The last version in CPAN)
            (Included into Strawberry Perl v5.16.0.1 - 32 & 64 bits)

      .- Digest-SHA-5.71 (Digest::SHA)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- File-Copy-Recursive-0.38 (File::Copy::Recursive)
            (The last version in CPAN)
            (Included into Strawberry Perl v5.16.0.1 - 32 & 64 bits)

      .- JSON-2.53 (JSON)
            (The last version in CPAN)
            (Included into Strawberry Perl v5.16.0.1 - 32 & 64 bits)

      .- POE-Component-Client-Ping-1.171 (POE::Component::Client::Ping)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- UNIVERSAL-require-0.13 (UNIVERSAL::require)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- URI-1.60 (URI::Escape)
            (The last version in CPAN)

   Perl modules for FusionInventory-Agent-Task-ESX-2.1.0
      .- JSON-2.53 (JSON)
            (The last version in CPAN)
            (Included into Strawberry Perl v5.16.0.1 - 32 & 64 bits)

   Perl modules for FusionInventory-Agent-Task-NetDiscovery-2.1
      .- Net-IP-1.25 (Net::IP)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- Net-NBName-0.26 (Net::NBName)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- Net-SNMP-v6.0.1 (Net::SNMP)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .-  threads-1.86 (threads)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- XML-TreePP-0.41 (XML:TreePP)
            (The last version in CPAN)

   Perl modules for FusionInventory-Agent-Task-NetInventory-2.1
      .- Net-IP-1.25 (Net::IP)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- Net-SNMP-v6.0.1 (Net::SNMP)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .-  threads-1.86 (threads)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- XML-TreePP-0.41 (XML:TreePP)
            (The last version in CPAN)

   Perl modules for POE-Component-Client-Ping-1.171
      .- POE-1.354 (POE)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- POE-Test-Loops-1.351 (POE::Test::Loops)
            (The last version in CPAN)

   Perl modules for IO-Socket-SSL-1.76
      .- IO-Socket-INET6-2.69 (IO::Socket::INET6)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- IO-Socket-IP-0.16 (IO::Socket::IP)
            (The last version in CPAN)

      .- Socket6-0.23 (Socket6)
            (The last version in CPAN)

   For build the Strawberry Perl Portable Edition with the needed Perl
modules indicates above, I have built this directory structure

|-- Modules
|   |-- Digest-MD5-2.52
|   |-- Digest-SHA-5.71
|   |-- IO-Socket-INET6-2.69
|   |-- IO-Socket-IP-0.16
|   |-- IO-Socket-SSL-1.76
|   |-- Net-IP-1.25
|   |-- Net-NBName-0.26
|   |-- Net-SNMP-v6.0.1
|   |-- POE-1.354
|   |-- POE-Component-Client-Ping-1.171
|   |-- POE-Test-Loops-1.351
|   |-- Socket6-0.23
|   |-- threads-1.86
|   |-- UNIVERSAL-require-0.13
|   |-- URI-1.60
|   `-- XML-TreePP-0.41
|-- Scripts
`-- Strawberry
        |-- 32bits
        |   |-- c
        |   |-- cpan
        |   |-- data
        |   |-- licenses
        |   |-- perl
        |   `-- win32
        `-- 64bits
            |-- c
            |-- cpan
            |-- data
            |-- licenses
            |-- perl
            `-- win32

and the attached script 'build-additional-perl-modules.bat' (pease,
rename de attached file 'build-additional-perl-modules.gbat' to
'build-additional-perl-modules.bat'). Once put on
.\Perl\Strawberry\\32bits and launched from this directory, I
have got the attached output file 'build-additional-perl-modules.out'.

   For the 64bits distribution I need a new 64bits OS. I hope to have
it ready in a few days.

   I think all this process is correct, but maybe I'm wrong.

   Best regards.
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