[Fusioninventory-devel] Task:Deploy Questions

Mario Gzuk mariogzuk at technikz.de
Thu Mar 21 19:38:34 UTC 2013

Hi Kevin!
Thank you for this fast answer.

Am 21.03.2013 18:12, schrieb Kevin Roy:
> Hi Mario,
> That's weird because as far as i can remember, I've already made package with
> only one command in GLPI but i can't remember what are the requirements.
> I should check that ...

That yould be nice... I only need an example how I can do that...
>> - is the path where the files are stored from the download of
>> associatedFiles configurable?
> Actually no but you can workaround this by issuing a file copy or move
> in your actions.

Ok. That is a solution for me...

>> - are the files which are downloaded via associatedFiles automaticly deleted
>> after the jobs are done or should this be specified on the jobs:delete list?
> They normally are deleted whenever the job is completed or in error.
> The only exception is when P2P is enabled : the dowloaded files marked
> as P2P are kept until the retention period.
> Cheers,
> -- Kevin Roy

Ok, the files which will be executed (e.g. test.bat) will be deleted 
that is true. But the filecontent is also available at 
This files also should be deleted because (for my situation) there might 
be sensetive data inside, and so it would be nessesary that this files 
get deleted to... Is this a feature request?

And a last question. I use the wmi to determine the language of the 
operating system in windows:
When I run this normaly I get "en" or "de" -> but when it is executed 
through the deploy task is says that the language is "C"... What the 
(perl)... ;) How can I correct this?

Thank you again!

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