[Fusioninventory-devel] fusioninventory-esx

Guillaume Rousse guillomovitch at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 13:15:14 UTC 2013

Le 25/03/2013 11:13, Mario Gzuk a écrit :
> Hi,
> on windows the following changes are needed to run the
> fusioninventory-esx from perl\bin\:
>      use File::Spec;
>      use File::Basename;
>      my $directory = dirname(File::Spec->rel2abs( __FILE__ ));
>      # on Win2k, Windows do not chdir to the bin directory
>      # we need to do it by ourself
>      chdir($directory);
> }
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use lib '../agent';
> This may also be needed by: fusioninventory-netdiscovery and
> fusioninventory-netinventory
If the point is just to make sure than the path used  'use lib' stanza 
works, that's not windows-specific, and not specific to fusioninventory-esx.

None of those script works if invocated from outside their top-level 
directory, when using those default values. That's the installation 
process (make install on unix) that turns relative pathes to absolute 
pathes. The windows installation process should do it also.

BOFH excuse #257:

That would be because the software doesn't work.

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