[Fusioninventory-devel] Rest-*

Mario Gzuk mariogzuk at technikz.de
Tue Mar 26 21:34:18 UTC 2013

Am 25.03.2013 16:50, schrieb Mario Gzuk:
> Am 25.03.2013 16:24, schrieb Gonéri Le Bouder:
>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 03:26:49PM +0100, Mario Gzuk wrote:
>>> Hopefully the last question about that task. If I run the 
>>> fusioninventory-esx
>>> directly I got an correct deviceid for each host:
>>>    <DEVICEID>esx1-2013-02-11-14-23-51</DEVICEID>
>>>    <DEVICEID>esx2-2013-02-11-14-25-32</DEVICEID>
>>> If I run this through the agent/rest-esx the inventory xml data 
>>> contains the
>>> deviceid from the host I am running the task (for every esx host the 
>>> same):
>>>    <DEVICEID>a-test-2013-03-21-16-54-58</DEVICEID>
>> Hi Mario,
>> Actually, none of them are correct. The deviceid is a string stored 
>> on the
>> computer. It is used to identify the agent. This string is:
>> - the hostname
>> - the installation date.
>> We can store the string on a ESX server. In order to reduce 
>> compatibility
>> issue we decide to generate a “fake” string every time.
>> This deviceid will also be lost for a common computer is the agent is
>> removed (and the “var” dir lost).
>> Best regards,
>> -- 
>>       Gonéri Le Bouder
> So why there is no "fake" deviceid generated for each esx host when I 
> run this through the agent? It differs when I run:
> perl fusioninventory-esx --host bla -> 
> <DEVICEID>bla-2013-02-11-14-23-51</DEVICEID>
> perl fusioninventory-agent (it gets the jobs via rest-esx) the xml 
> gets the <DEVICEID>a-test-2013-03-21-16-54-58</DEVICEID>
> both commands are running on the same host.
> This is a little bit confusing to me, because I try to manage the data 
> to the device id -> if a new one is generated a new set of data is 
> generated. But in this case I have got 3 different inventory data (2 
> from esx hosts and one from the host itself) to the same device id...
> On which identifier you check that? The host name? Or is the 
> hardware:UUID every time the same?
> Thank you for your time to answer my questions...
> Cheers Mario

So now I think I can describe my problem a little bit mor in detail. I 
have different inventory sets, e.g. 2 from ESX and 2 from the host it 
self (one from a linux installation and one from a windows 
installation), all has the same deviceids (maybe the linux installation 
has its own). At this state all is fine, bit if the deploy task is 
asking for his config/jobs the deploy task is asking only with the 
deviceid. Now I have 3 deviceids with different hosts behind, how to 
decide which jobs has to be run for which host? This isnt possible @this 
state with the information the deploy task is asking.

Do you know what I mean? Maybe it is hard when a german try to explain 
some what in english for also not native english speaking people... So 
feel free to ask again if you think I am writing only opaque things...


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