[Fusioninventory-devel] Live USB for FusionInventory-Agent

J. Fernando Lagrange fernando+fusioninventory at demo-tic.org
Sun Feb 16 10:16:58 UTC 2014

Hello David,

Le 16/02/2014 11:02, David DURIEUX a écrit :
> […]
> Perhaps you can see here :
> http://forge.fusioninventory.org/projects/live-usb/repository
That's where I began. ;)
My initial idea was to adapt and update code to current version (of Debian and FusionInventory-Agent).

But with my current Debian Jessie/testing laptop, I was not able to rebuild it. I then created a squeeze chroot, but still no success.
Then I saw that live-build 3 (in Debian Jessie) has evolved a lot from version 2 (in Debian Squeeze).
I then started to go the other way around: from live-build to FusionInventory.

Since I have a working bootable image, I add some tips how to use it and "announced" it here. :)

Now, my concern is:
a- to get it usable to users (not developers nor power users ^_^)
b- to integrate it with FusionInventory official repo
c- keep (some branches of) gitorious and official repo in sync

For point b- maybe can we tag current repo version and make a brand new file tree for live-build 3 version ?

J. Fernando Lagrange
Demo-TIC - Outils En Ligne

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