[Fusioninventory-devel] Adding criteria ing entities computer rules for fusion inventory.

J. Fernando Lagrange fernando+fusioninventory at demo-tic.org
Sun Mar 2 10:46:15 UTC 2014


Even if IP regexp can be found in many situations (see below), getting accurate regexp can be a difficult, if not impossible, goal to achieve.

I also believe that having opportunity to filter results by network address would be of great benefits for FusionInventory, though its implementation can be tricky.
Stéphane: maybe can you accelerate implementation sponsoring a GLPI developer to have work done ?

Le 28/02/2014 19:10, Lafarguette Stéphane a écrit :
> Le 28/02/2014 13:44, Guillaume Rousse a écrit :
>> Le 28/02/2014 12:27, David DURIEUX a écrit :
>>> Another solution is to have criteria:
>>> * IP regex match /^172.16.(84|85)./
>> Remember than '.' match anything...
>> You probably want:
>> /^172\.16\.(84|85)\./
>> or
>> /^172\.16\.8(4|5)\./
>> or
>> /^172\.16\.8[45]\./
> For understanding my problem for entities :
> First entity        network/mask    ''
> Second entity   network/mask    ''
> […]
Using <http://www.aelius.com/njh/subnet_sheet.html>, it seems that:
First entity corresponds to network and contains 34 addresses (for 32 machines): from to

Second entity corresponds to network and contains 16 addresses (for 14 machines): from to

Using these 4 boundaries IP values on <http://www.analyticsmarket.com/freetools/ipregex> webpage, sends back following regexp:
First Entity regexp: ^172\.21\.144\.(1(9[2-9])|2([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]))$

Second Entity regexp:  ^172\.21\.144\.(2(2[4-9]|3[0-9]))$

I've tested
grep -E "^172\.21\.144\.(1(9[2-9])|2([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]))$" /tmp/ip_list
grep -E "^172\.21\.144\.(2(2[4-9]|3[0-9]))$" /tmp/ip_list
commands. They do work (with /tmp/ip_list files containing same lines as on <http://paste.debian.net/84716/>).

Stéphane: maybe could you give a try to these values in GLPI (and send feedback) ?

You can also try breaking regexps down as "simples regexps":
First Entity:

Second Entity:

Hope this helps,

J. Fernando Lagrange
Demo-TIC - Outils En Ligne

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