[Fusioninventory-devel] Migration fron redmine to github

David DURIEUX d.durieux at siprossii.com
Sat May 9 14:53:45 UTC 2015


We have begin migration from redmine to github.

The main reason is to be more easier for you developpers to contribute
to our fusioninventory repositories (agent, glpi plugin...).

So the first step of migration is done: all repositories are now on

They can be accessible with this address:

The tickets will be migrated in some weeks, we need more test to do

Another news, we introduce new commit procedure/rules: 

* nodoby commit directly in the repositories (you and us). All commit
  will be do in a fork and after create a pull-request. One of the
  officiel developper, ddurieux, kiniou, guillomovitch (and Tabad only
  for windows installer agent) will manage the pull-request to merge in
  official repository.

* All pull-request need unit/behavior tests, so if it's not the case,
  we will answer to the pull-request to add it and the pull-request
  will be pending for the merge

Best regards,

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