[Fusioninventory-devel] Permission to use fusioninventory logo

Halexsandro de Freitas Sales halexsandro at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 22:01:08 UTC 2017

Hello guys
I am writing a book about creating a CMDB with fusioninventory and would
like to know if I can use the project logo on the cover of the book, or if
I would have problems with that.

Sorry for sending this message here. But it was the best channel I got on
the site.

Thank you very much!


*Halexsandro de Freitas Sales*

 - Análise de Processo de Negócio
  - Gestão em Tecnologia da Informação
  - Gerenciamento de Redes de Computadores

*Autor do livro:*
Central de Serviços com Software Livre:
*Estruturando uma Central de Serviços com o GLPI*; 2ª Edição.

Amostra <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6i39bFACjTDTWNaM3gwYWF5UHc>   *|

*Site*: http://www.verdanatech.com
*Telegram*: @Halexsandro
*Telefone*: +55 81 – 9 8802 30 11

*GLPI on Telegram:*   https://telegram.me/glpibr
*Zabbix on Telegram:* https://telegram.me/ZabbixBrasil
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