[Fusioninventory-devel] CentOS 7 | FIA 2.4.2 | Can't reach embedded webserver

Dávid Szilvási szilvasi.dave at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 12:41:03 GMT 2019

Hi Developer team,

I've installed Fusioninventory-agent 2.4.2 from copr repo on a CentOS 7
minimal iso

hostname: fia.xxxxxxx.local

Commands after install:

# yum -y install yum-plugin-copr epel-release

# yum update

# yum copr enable trasher/fusioninventory-agent

# yum install fusioninventory-agent fusioninventory-agent-task-inventory

It finishes without issue

# cp /etc/fusioninventory/agent.cfg /etc/fusioninventory/conf.d/real.cfg

# vi /etc/fusioninventory/agent.cfg ; make sure include conf.d isn't #ed out

# systemctl start fusioninventory-agent

# systemctl enable fusioninventory-agent

>>symlink gets created

# vi /etc/fusioninventory/conf.d/real.cfg


no-httpd = 0

httpd-ip =

httpd-port = 62354

httpd-trust =

I save, restart fusioninventory-agent service then try to access the webgui
through http://fia.xxxxxxx.local:62354

But it times out

I also tried to

set debug = 3,

restart fusioninventory-agent service

then run fusioninventory-agent -s
http://glpi.xxxxxxx.local/plugins/fusioninventory --daemon

in terminal it says it's starting fusioninventory-agent but still times out

GLPI can't find the agent as well

When I run FIA without --daemon it runs through its tasks, sends them to
glpi server - which receives all data correctly

Why can't I make the webgui work?

Is there something I'm missing?

Thanks a lot for your kind help!

David Szilvasi
*Szilvási Dávid*
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