[Fusioninventory-user] Command-line parameters for silent setup of fusioinventory-agent on Windows

David DURIEUX d.durieux at siprossii.com
Mon Aug 2 18:45:34 UTC 2010

Le Mon, 2 Aug 2010 17:20:08 +0200
Christoph Haas <chhaas-ml at uk-bw.de> a écrit:

>Hello Gonéri,
>Am Montag, 2. August 2010, um 13:49:50 schrieben Sie:
>> 2010/8/2 Christoph Haas <chhaas-ml at uk-bw.de>:
>> > Hello Michael,
>> > 
>> > Am Montag, 2. August 2010, um 12:50:52 schrieb Michael Kolowicz:
>> >> > with my Windows-installations other than the German language,
>> >> > from your (French ?) Windows-setups ...
>> >> > 
>> >> > I have tested during the weekend several different machines with
>> >> > Windows XP
>> >> 
>> >> SP3
>> >> 
>> >> > But the bad situation remains the same:
>> >> > Nothing but the _upper _"/S" parameter worked!
>> >> 
>> >> I have the same situation and the same results. Only the switch
>> >> "/S" is working but no other option (I have tried to use small
>> >> and upper cases)
>> >> 
>> >> Michael
>> > 
>> > sorry to say: I'm glad ;-)
>> ahah :)
>> I did the test on a Russian Windows and it doesn't work either.
>so it seems finally that it is a problem with localization, or with
>language detection of the used Windows? 
>Well indeed I did only test with German Windows.
>Hopefully this issue can soon be resolved since we possibly found now
>the track ...
>Thank you for your patience

Okay, I will try with my russian windows...


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