[Fusioninventory-user] FusionInventory Agent 2.1

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at rulezlan.org
Sun Aug 15 23:11:28 UTC 2010


We are glade to announce FusionInventory Agent 2.1. This is the first
stable release of FusionInventory Agent with Windows support!

This is the first Windows agent for OCS Inventory that support UTF-8
and 64bit software inventory. We also did a lot of improvement on
MacOSX, HP-UX, Solaris and Linux.

You can download the archive from CPAN:
 http://search.cpan.org/~fusinv/ .

Prebuilt standalone installers are also available as a convenience for
other operating systems. Just uncompress the archive and you get an
usable agent for your platform:

More information about the packages are available on the download
page. We will keep this page up to date during the coming days.
Mandriva, Fedora and Debian packages have already been pushed on the

Best regards
     Gonéri Le Bouder

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