[Fusioninventory-user] Scheduled task on Windows

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at rulezlan.org
Fri Dec 2 16:16:57 UTC 2011

2011/12/2 Chris Wood <CWood at ta-petro.com>:
> I'm having a similar issue - the Windows Administrator didn't like that
> fusion inventory agent consumed 26Mb of RAM when running as a service, so
> set it up to run at agent installation, system startup, and once a day
> thereafter. After the initial install, the agent checked in, but it has
> checked in for the past 3 days. How can we get the Windows agent to report
> in on a regular schedule?
Hello Chris,

I believe the best solution in your case it to create an entry in Windows
"Scheduled Tasks".

The Windows installer is generated with NSIS. If you want to look further,
the NSIS files
are here :http://prebuilt.fusioninventory.org/devel/2.2.x/windows-i386/

I think we should suggest 2 options:
 - install and enable the service
 - create a “Scheduled Task” (in this case we install the service but
disable in)

This do the trick on my Windows XP computer.
schtasks /Create /TN FusionInventory-Agent /TR "\"c:\program
files\FusionInventory-Agent\perl\bin\perl.exe\" \"c:\Program
files\FusionInventory-Agent\perl\bin\fusioninventory-agent"" /RU SYSTEM /SC

It would be interesting to know if it's also the case on 7 and Vista.

Sadly schtasks is not supported on Win2000. We can still use at.exe instead
as a
workaround solution or maybe a NSIS plugin already exists for that.

Best regards,

     Gonéri Le Bouder
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