[Fusioninventory-user] Impossible to force an inventory from GLPI in windows clients

Tomas Abad tabad at sescam.jccm.es
Thu Dec 8 01:43:56 UTC 2011

   Hello Gonéri,

On 11/25/2011 02:54 PM, Gonéri Le Bouder wrote:
> 2011/11/25 Tomas Abad <tabad at sescam.jccm.es>:
> Hi Tomas,
> I did some changes regarding this part of the code on the server. It
> would be interesting to see if
> it works with the current FusionInventory For GLPI glpi0.80+1.1 beta release.
> http://forge.fusioninventory.org/projects/fusioninventory-for-glpi/files

   I have been able to get some time to try the new version 0.80+1.1
plugin (still in Beta).

   My new FusionInventory for GLPI v0.80+1.1 test environment is as

      .- The server
         .- Ubuntu Server 10.04.3 LTS (Lucid Lynx) - Architecture AMD64
         .- OCS Inventory NG Management Server v2.0
         .- GLPI v0.80.5
            .- GLPI v0.80.5 Agents
               .- Bays Management v1.2.0 (Fixed)
(See http://www.glpi-project.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=26014)
               .- Data Injection v2.1.2
               .- FusionInventory for GLPI v0.80+1.1 (BETA)
(Package fusioninventory-for-glpi-snapshot-0.80-20111207-2301.tar.gz  )
(See http://forum.fusioninventory.org/viewtopic.php?pid=5808#p5808 for)
(to know how I build this package.                                    )
                  .- FusionInventory v0.80+1.1
                  .- FusionInventory DEPLOY v0.80+1.1
                  .- FusionInventory INVENTORY v0.80+1.1
                  .- FusionInventory SNMP v0.80+1.1
               .- Print to PDF v0.80.3
               .- Shell Commands v1.4.0
               .- Web Services v1.2.0

      .- The agents
         .- FusionInventory-Agent v2.1.12-1 (for Windows)
         .- FusionInventory-Agent v2.1.11-1 (for Windows)
         .- FusionInventory-Agent v2.1.10-2 (for Windows)
         .- FusionInventory-Agent v2.1.9-3 (for Windows)
         .- FusionInventory-Agent v2.1.10-1 (for GNU/Linux)
         .- FusionInventory-Agent v2.1.9-3 (for GNU/Linux)

   With v0.80+1.1 the thing is a bit worse than the previous v0.80+1.0
version. Now happens the following: In Home> Inventory> Computers>
FusInv Tasks (Tab), the button "Force Inventory" does not appears on the
screen if the computer is a Windows computer (really if the computer has
installed a FusionInventory Agent for Windows); in conclusion, it is not
possible to force the inventory in windows computers. This does not
happen if the computer is a GNU/Linux computer, with them you can force
an inventory from GLPI without any problem.

   This is all. Best regards.

 Sed amables con los demás. Hasta dónde lleguéis en esta vida dependerá
  de cuán cariñosos seáis con los más jóvenes, cuán compasivos con los
  mayores, cuán comprensivos con los rivales, cuán tolerantes con los
   débiles y con los fuertes. Porque en esta vida, algún día habréis
                 sido todos ellos. (George Washington Carver)
                               Tomas Abad
                         Ingeniero de Sistemas

                 Servicio de Salud de Castilla-La Mancha
                     Hospital General de Ciudad Real
                         Servicio de Informática

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