[Fusioninventory-user] RES: Community tool for SNMP models creation

Mario Jorge de Sousa Freire mario.freire at camara.gov.br
Mon Aug 6 18:23:37 UTC 2012

Hello, Ddurieux

I've just updated to 0.83.4 version.
Then I've tried to install this version "fusioninventory-0.83+2.0-SNAPSHOT20120806.tar.gz" (see message below).
All plugins sucessfully installed, but faced an error when trying to instal Fusinv SNMP: "You don't have permission to perform this action."

Could you please, help me?

Also, I have many questions:
1) Is this an alpha version? A RC? How am I supposed to use this version: should I use the account you've created to me last month? The tool stills need to connect to your computer? Is it now possible to use a proxy server?
2) It seems the number of SNMP models was reduced (now: 408; before: about 700). Why?
3) This version is said to bring the ASSET TAG feature. What about the snmpwalks we sent to you at the end of June? Were they implemented in this version?

Thanks a lot!

Mário Jorge de Sousa Freire
Analista de Informática Legislativa
Câmara dos Deputados
CENIN/CAINF/SEGES - (61) 3216-3763
mario.freire at camara.gov.br

-----Mensagem original-----
De: fusioninventory-user-bounces+mario.freire=camara.gov.br at lists.alioth.debian.org [mailto:fusioninventory-user-bounces+mario.freire=camara.gov.br at lists.alioth.debian.org] Em nome de David DURIEUX
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2012 06:11
Para: fusioninventory-user at lists.alioth.debian.org
Assunto: Re: [Fusioninventory-user] Community tool for SNMP models creation

New archive with some fixes. Server has been patched too ;)



Le Sun, 5 Aug 2012 23:32:59 +0200
David DURIEUX <d.durieux at siprossii.com> a écrit:

>I have added many features like display all models from central server 
>and add possibility to import into your GLPI directly, manage server 
>account in user form (see tab "SNMP model tool account") and many 
>You can get and test it:
>For information, the code for the snmp tool model is merged now in
>0.83 branch and will be available in next release version of plugin 
>FusionInventory for GLPI 0.83.x
>To finish, I have made changes in central server code and is now full 
>compatible with this version ;)
>Le Tue, 10 Jul 2012 16:27:01 +0200
>David DURIEUX <d.durieux at siprossii.com> a écrit:
>>I have forgotten a MySQL table, so after you have installed the 
>>plugins, create this table:
>>`glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_construct_walks` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL 
>>AUTO_INCREMENT, `construct_device_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
>>  `log` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
>>  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
>>Le Tue, 10 Jul 2012 15:33:47 +0200
>>David DURIEUX <d.durieux at siprossii.com> a écrit:
>>>Alpha 1 is available.
>>>It's compatible with glpi 0.83(.0), 0.83.1 and 0.83.2 only
>>>Use it in GLPI test environement (of course)
>>>You install the 2 plugins like FusionInventory plugins.
>>>You update file fusinvsnmp/inc/construcmodel.class.php, modify lines
>>>87 to 90
>>>modify [login], [pass] and [key] with login, password and key sent by 
>>>mail with your request
>>>After you have a menu in plugins > FusionInventory, SNMP > SNMP 
>>>models creation
>>>When you edit oids, you have 3 colors for tables border:
>>>* green => oid yet added in server for this device
>>>* blue => it's a suggestion
>>>* red => you must check manually if required (you can't have a
>>>  suggestion when have 2 oids for a mapping, but the % used in models
>>>  can help you to check the right oid)
>>>Archive is here:
>>>Best regards,
>>>Le Tue, 10 Jul 2012 09:31:59 +0200
>>>David DURIEUX <d.durieux at siprossii.com> a écrit:
>>>>Hello all,
>>>>I'm working on the tool for SNMP model creation (sponsored by a 
>>>>french university ^^).
>>>>The tool has 2 parts:
>>>>* Server get oid you check in client part, generate XML models, 
>>>>  authentication of users use the tool
>>>>* Client, it's in the plugin FusionInventory for GLPI. You upload 
>>>>  snmpwalk log file locally, check the oids of your snmpwalk and  
>>>>send this to the server, after you can get the XML SNMP model.
>>>>The beta test will begin in couple of hours / days, if somebody want 
>>>>to participate to the test, send me in private (in my mail, not in 
>>>>this mailling list) a login to create an account on the server. Put 
>>>>in object of the mail the mention: SNMP TOOL ACCOUNT
>>>>Thanks !
>>>>Best regards,
>>>>David DURIEUX
>>>>Fusioninventory-user mailing list
>>>>Fusioninventory-user at lists.alioth.debian.org
>>>Fusioninventory-user mailing list
>>>Fusioninventory-user at lists.alioth.debian.org
>>Fusioninventory-user mailing list
>>Fusioninventory-user at lists.alioth.debian.org
>Fusioninventory-user mailing list
>Fusioninventory-user at lists.alioth.debian.org

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