[Fusioninventory-user] Really, really, i don't understand how SNMP works...

Guillaume Rousse guillomovitch at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 14:02:54 UTC 2012

Le 05/07/2012 14:31, Marco Gaiarin a écrit :
> Mandi! Guillaume Rousse
>    In chel di` si favelave...
>>>> use command-line fusioninventory-netdiscovery, available from the
>>>> developement version.
>> That's the whole purpose of those executables (one for each of
>> netdiscovery and netinventory): you do not need a GLPI server. You
>> do need the discovery.xml file shipped in server source, tough.
> Agent?! But the ''server'' (GLPI) part use the agent for net/snmp
> discovery?!
I guess you just understood why you didn't achieved anything sofar :) 
The server part is just a control and collect point for agent execution, 
it doesn't perform any task by itself.

> Eg, i've to install libfusioninventory-agent-task-netdiscovery-perl and
> libfusioninventory-agent-task-snmpquery-perl to make it work?
For your original need, yes. To debug the issue using the tools I 
mentionned, that's useless, those packages are too old.

> And your repository (http://debian.fusioninventory.org/debian/) are
> still on 2.1, not on 2.2...
I explicitely mentioned 'developement version', which is not even 
released yet, not even packaged. You can grab it from github:

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