[Fusioninventory-user] Some doubts about FusionInventory Agent command line options

Tomás Abad tabadgp at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 23:50:14 UTC 2012


    I'm trying to write a new FusionInventory Agent installer for 
Microsoft Windows and, when I was writing its online help, some doubts 
have arisen me regarding the FusionInventory Agent command line options. 
Are the following:

    a) The term 'target' is only regarding the contact with a server 
(--server=url1,url2,...) or is it also used for local destination 
(--local=absolute_path)? In other words, the options --server and 
--local indicate both 'targets'?

    b) Regarding with options --delaytime, --wait and --lazy

       b.1) All of them have sense only whether FusionInventory Agent
            runs in Server Mode, isn't it?

       b.2) Does --wait come into play with local targets (option
            --local) or only with remote targets (option --server)?

       b.3) If b.1 is true then there is an error in the official
            FusionInventory Agent documentation (http://search.cpan.org

            Regarding with option --lazy, its second paragraph said:

            "This option is only available when the agent is *NOT* run
             as a server."

            and I think it should said:

            "This option is only available when the agent runs as a

            Really I think this last sentence should be below each one
            of these options (--delaytime, --wait and --lazy).

    c) Regarding with option --backend-collect-timeout

       c.1) What are exactly the 'inventory modules'? I know there are
            tasks (Inventory, WakeOnLan, ESX, NetDiscovery, NetInventory
            and Deploy) but I don't know what are 'inventory modules'.

       c.2) Are 'inventory modules' the same than 'tasks'?

       c.3) Is backend-collect-timeout the timeout for all 'inventory
            modules' or only for some of them?

    At the moment this is all (sure I have forgotten something).

    Thanks in advance. Best regards.

Tomas Abad
Ingeniero de Sistemas / Systems Engineer

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