[Fusioninventory-user] Questions about netinventory & SNMP models
Guillaume Rousse
guillomovitch at gmail.com
Thu May 24 07:42:30 UTC 2012
Le 24/05/2012 01:16, Guillaume Rousse a écrit :
> As Mario, I'd prefer to cover 80% of the existing world hardware with
> 80% precision, rather than 20% with 100% precision. Especially without
> an authoritative list of those 20%...
Some quick stats to support my point:
models count: 668
properties count: 100
property occurs 659 times, with 1 different values
property PortVlanIndex occurs 6 times, with 1 different values
property cartridgeblack occurs 19 times, with 2 different values
property cartridgecyan occurs 11 times, with 4 different values
property cartridgecyanlight occurs 1 times, with 1 different values
property cartridgemagenta occurs 11 times, with 4 different values
property cartridgemagentalight occurs 1 times, with 1 different values
property cartridgeyellow occurs 12 times, with 5 different values
property cdpCacheAddress occurs 125 times, with 1 different values
property cdpCacheDeviceId occurs 123 times, with 1 different values
property cdpCacheDevicePort occurs 119 times, with 1 different values
property cdpCachePlatform occurs 124 times, with 1 different values
property cdpCacheVersion occurs 123 times, with 1 different values
property comments occurs 637 times, with 1 different values
property cpu occurs 68 times, with 1 different values
property dot1dBasePortIfIndex occurs 172 times, with 1 different values
property dot1dTpFdbAddress occurs 144 times, with 2 different values
property dot1dTpFdbPort occurs 144 times, with 2 different values
property drumblack occurs 80 times, with 8 different values
property drumblackmax occurs 32 times, with 4 different values
property drumblackremaining occurs 30 times, with 4 different values
property drumcyan occurs 29 times, with 5 different values
property drumcyanmax occurs 6 times, with 2 different values
property drumcyanremaining occurs 6 times, with 2 different values
property drummagenta occurs 29 times, with 3 different values
property drumyellow occurs 28 times, with 5 different values
property entPhysicalModelName occurs 163 times, with 8 different values
property enterprise occurs 314 times, with 3 different values
property firmware occurs 125 times, with 12 different values
property firmware1 occurs 33 times, with 4 different values
property firmware2 occurs 33 times, with 3 different values
property ifIndex occurs 662 times, with 1 different values
property ifName occurs 620 times, with 2 different values
property ifPhysAddress occurs 659 times, with 1 different values
property ifType occurs 658 times, with 1 different values
property ifaddr occurs 375 times, with 2 different values
property ifdescr occurs 253 times, with 1 different values
property ifinerrors occurs 250 times, with 1 different values
property ifinoctets occurs 253 times, with 1 different values
property ifinternalstatus occurs 253 times, with 1 different values
property iflastchange occurs 247 times, with 1 different values
property ifmtu occurs 252 times, with 1 different values
property ifouterrors occurs 247 times, with 1 different values
property ifoutoctets occurs 252 times, with 1 different values
property ifspeed occurs 253 times, with 1 different values
property ifstatus occurs 253 times, with 1 different values
property informations occurs 108 times, with 1 different values
property ipAdEntAddr occurs 220 times, with 1 different values
property ipNetToMediaPhysAddress occurs 204 times, with 1 different values
property lldpLocChassisId occurs 60 times, with 1 different values
property lldpRemChassisId occurs 29 times, with 1 different values
property lldpRemPortDesc occurs 21 times, with 1 different values
property lldpRemPortId occurs 29 times, with 1 different values
property lldpRemSysDesc occurs 22 times, with 1 different values
property lldpRemSysName occurs 21 times, with 1 different values
property location occurs 639 times, with 1 different values
property macaddr occurs 205 times, with 2 different values
property maintenancekit occurs 28 times, with 3 different values
property maintenancekitmax occurs 13 times, with 2 different values
property maintenancekitremaining occurs 13 times, with 2 different values
property memory occurs 417 times, with 2 different values
property model occurs 362 times, with 4 different values
property name occurs 654 times, with 4 different values
property otherserial occurs 53 times, with 1 different values
property pagecounterblackpages occurs 63 times, with 8 different values
property pagecounterblackpages_copy occurs 75 times, with 3 different values
property pagecounterblackpages_print occurs 73 times, with 7 different
property pagecountercolorpages occurs 36 times, with 6 different values
property pagecountercolorpages_copy occurs 30 times, with 2 different values
property pagecountercolorpages_print occurs 36 times, with 5 different
property pagecounterrectoversopages occurs 35 times, with 2 different values
property pagecounterscannedpages occurs 24 times, with 5 different values
property pagecountertotalpages occurs 389 times, with 2 different values
property pagecountertotalpages_copy occurs 57 times, with 4 different values
property pagecountertotalpages_fax occurs 55 times, with 4 different values
property pagecountertotalpages_print occurs 79 times, with 8 different
property ram occurs 72 times, with 2 different values
property serial occurs 483 times, with 25 different values
property tonerblack occurs 336 times, with 5 different values
property tonerblack2 occurs 9 times, with 1 different values
property tonerblack2max occurs 2 times, with 1 different values
property tonerblack2remaining occurs 2 times, with 1 different values
property tonerblackmax occurs 182 times, with 3 different values
property tonerblackremaining occurs 179 times, with 2 different values
property tonercyan occurs 165 times, with 4 different values
property tonercyanmax occurs 95 times, with 4 different values
property tonercyanremaining occurs 93 times, with 4 different values
property tonermagenta occurs 166 times, with 3 different values
property tonermagentamax occurs 95 times, with 3 different values
property tonermagentaremaining occurs 94 times, with 3 different values
property toneryellow occurs 165 times, with 5 different values
property toneryellowmax occurs 93 times, with 5 different values
property toneryellowremaining occurs 91 times, with 5 different values
property uptime occurs 254 times, with 1 different values
property vlanTrunkPortDynamicStatus occurs 41 times, with 1 different values
property vmvlan occurs 67 times, with 2 different values
property vtpVlanName occurs 131 times, with 3 different values
property wastetoner occurs 179 times, with 11 different values
property wastetonermax occurs 88 times, with 5 different values
property wastetonerremaining occurs 90 times, with 5 different values
Indeed, they are some variations for the serial number (25 different
possibilites), but other basic informations (cpu, memory, model, name,
location, mac address, all if*) are mostly stable.
My point is not than we could avoid the need of a descriptive model for
the final step (inventory), but that we could drastically improve the
identification process, so as to reduce the number of 'unknown devices'
at the end of the discovery step.
BOFH excuse #306:
CPU-angle has to be adjusted because of vibrations coming from the
nearby road
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