[Fusioninventory-user] Some info on the new windows installer

Tomás Abad tabadgp at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 11:43:52 UTC 2013

Hello Marco,

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 4:46 PM, Marco Gaiarin <gaio at sv.lnf.it> wrote:
> I'm trying to deploy an update of the new installer for windows,
> hitting some trouble (argh! now /server= need double quotes around the
> URL!!!).

Yes, you are right. You must enclose between single or double
quotation marks ("..." or '...') those values that have any space or
have the charecter '/'.

> Still i've some doubt.
> 1) AFAI've understood, it is needed to uninstall the old
>  fusioninventory-agent, eg the newer one does not uninstall the older
> automagically.

   No. You don't need uninstall the previous agent. The new installer
does it for you. For more information about the new installer, please,
take a look to:


> 2) on XP 32 bit (at least) the installer exit with a high-numbered
>  error code (not zero, anyway) and trigger an immediate reboot. This is
> generally bad, i hope an option will be added with the ability to
> prevent the immediate reboot (so the deploy system can catch the 'reboot
> needed' event and eventually do the job when it is safe, not in the
> half of an upgrade).

   I have installed FusionInventory Agent v2.3.0 with the new
installer (http://forge.fusioninventory.org/attachments/download/1020/fusioninventory-agent_windows-x86_2.3.0.exe)
on a Windows XP SP3 (x86) without any other agent previously installed
and with a previous agent v2.2.7-4 installed and I haven't had any

   Could you repeat your installation and include more information
about your platform?

> new fusioninventory-inventory executable, dedicated to inventory task
> mean that if i need to run the agen by hand, only when needed, i
> can/must run this script?

   Sorry, I can't answer this question.

Tomás Abad

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