[Fusioninventory-user] FusionInventory Agent: proxy and multiple servers report

J. Fernando Lagrange fernando at ac-grenoble.fr
Mon Jan 14 13:17:01 UTC 2013


Le 14/01/2013 13:33, Gonéri Le Bouder a écrit :
> I imagine another solution here, you can replace the local ocs server with
> a collect.php page and redirect the inventory to your main server.
>   http://www.fusioninventory.org/documentation/fi4g/dmz/

Yes, I've seen that solution, but:
- I consider it's worth having a local full OCS server: inventory stays
available even if local WLAN link is down/slow; which tends to occurs
more often as we wish it.
This allows local technicians to keep on working.

- we have no GLPI server. :'-(
I don't know if an equivalent fusioninventory-injector is available for
OCS server, nor what impact it will have on updates and maintenance.

We've seen another possible solution applicable here: besides proxy, we
have a local configurable firewall. Previously, a pin hole was made on
each local firewall to access local OCS server from LAN. We're thinking
of creating another pin hole to access centralized server from each
location's LAN.

As all our network infrastructure is private (that is: locations are not
going through "public Internet" to centralized server), it is not a
security issue.

Thanks for all quick replies, which made us see that !

J. Fernando Lagrange
CARMI - Equipe Internet
Academie de Grenoble

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