[Fusioninventory-user] New FusionInventory-Agent Windows Installer v2.3.0-2013061701 released.

Tomás Abad tabadgp at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 17:08:23 UTC 2013

   Hello to everybody,

   Today, there is a new experimental release of the new Microsoft
Windows Installer for FusionInventory Agent available. You are invited
again to test it!, download it from SourceForge.

   The new release v2.3.0-2013061701

      * You are able to run FusionInventory Agent as a Windows Tasks.
      * You are able to force an inventory after the installer has
        finished. (The 'runnow' option is operative).

   Best regards,

  (1) Yet Another Microsoft Windows Installer for FusionInventory Agent.

Tomás Abad

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