[Fusioninventory-user] /ca-cert-uri usage

Yannick MOLINET yannick.molinet at dixinfor.com
Tue Feb 4 12:49:06 UTC 2014

HI all,

I'm trying to deploy FusionInventory Agent for Windows using the /ca-cert-uri to specify the ssl cert of my GLPI server.
To do, I'm running this command :

fusioninventory-agent_windows-x64_2.3.5. /acceptlicense /add-firewall-exception /runnow /execmode=service /ca-cert-uri='http://www.domain.com/server.pem' /ca-cert-file='../../certs/server.pem' /server='https://myserver/plugins/fusioninventory'

but the server.pem don't appear in the directroy, and the agent could not connect to the server.

COuld you help me to fix it ?


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