[Fusioninventory-user] FusionInventory agent 2.3.17 release

Guillaume Bougard gbougard at teclib.com
Tue Sep 29 14:59:39 UTC 2015

Hello FusionInventory users,

thank you Guillaume for this release and to have introduced me at the same time ;)

I hope I'll help to keep this project so well supported for some years !

Guillaume Bougard

TECLIB' Montpellier 
3 rue Doria, 
34000 Montpellier, France

----- Mail original -----
De: "Guillaume Rousse" <guillomovitch at gmail.com>
À: fusioninventory-user at lists.alioth.debian.org
Envoyé: Dimanche 27 Septembre 2015 23:19:38
Objet: [Fusioninventory-user] FusionInventory agent 2.3.17 release

Hello FusionInventory users,

The FusionInventory Agent maintainers are glad to announce the 2.3.17 

You can download it from the usual places:
* the forge for the source distribution
* the forge for the windows distribution (soon...)
* etc...

See http://www.fusioninventory.org/documentation/agent/installation/ for 

There has been a long delay since 2.3.16 release, almost 7 months. As a 
consequence, a large number of bug fixes have been accumulated, some of 
them fixing long-standing issues, such as:
- multi-threading issues under Windows for netdiscovery and netinventory 
- recurrent timeout under MacOSX for inventory task

They are also notable enhancements, such as better VLAN retrieval for 
non-Cisco devices, or support for Kyocera printers page counters. As 
well as a brand new Collect task, much more flexible than inventory for 
retrieving arbitrary information from your assets.

Last but not last, a change in my professional situation is making quite 
difficult for me to continue maintaining the agent. Fortunatly, we now 
have a new maintainer. And in order to make this change quite 
transparent for everyone, he has the same name as myself :) Welcome 
aboard, Guillaume !


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