[Fusioninventory-user] Issue with creating a package deploy task

Tommy Bongaerts TommyBongaerts at eurofins.com
Wed Jan 31 11:48:33 UTC 2018

Dear group,

I'm running the FusionInventory plugin v9.2+1.0 on GLPI 9.2.1.
On previous versions, when I created a FusionInventory task to deploy a package, in the Job settings I could easily select the package as the 'target' and any computer in my inventory as 'actor'. However, since upgrading, when trying to add an 'actor' with 'actor type' 'computers', the 'actor item' drop-down list remains empty. Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this?

Note: when I change the 'module method' to 'collect data' instead of 'package deploy', the 'actor item' list is populated perfectly fine with all the computers in my inventory.

Kind regards,

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