[Fusioninventory-user] Agent on smartphone goes to computer

Óscar Beiro - TICgal oscar at ticgal.com
Thu May 3 09:31:10 BST 2018

Hola :)

This is by design.

Smartphones go into computer.

"Dumbphones" go into phones.

2018-05-02 21:46 GMT+02:00 IT <it at axionlift.com>:

> Good day for everyone. I'm new on this list and I'm stuck on this problem.
> I've installed Fusion Agent on my smartphone Moto G5 Plus and when conect
> to GLPI take that as a computer.
> How we can fix this?
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Óscar *Beiro */ TIC*gal*  / Eduardo Pondal 31 At. / 36003 / Pontevedra /
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