[Fusioninventory-user] Fusioninventory WMI

Guillaume Bougard gbougard at teclib.com
Mon Sep 2 13:17:01 BST 2019


first, you should not set a moniker in that case. Just leave it empty or set it to "winmgmts://./root/CIMV2" as this should be the default when set empty in plugin side.

After that, you may also want to look for other properties (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-share#properties) like probably the path. So you should better set properties to "Name,Path" but for this "prpperties list" support you at least need FusionInventory Agent 2.5.

Best regards,

Guillaume Bougard 
Teclib' Edition 

----- Mail original ----- 
De: "Luiz Guilherme Nunes Fernandes" <narutospinal at gmail.com> 
À: "FusionInventory User discussion" <fusioninventory-user at alioth-lists.debian.net> 
Envoyé: Mardi 13 Août 2019 19:26:56 
Objet: [Fusioninventory-user] Fusioninventory WMI 

What is the wmi parameters that I need to add in my configuration for add shared folders on Windows 7/10? 

Look on the picture or click this place (Administration --> Fusioninventory --> Task --> Computer information) --> Create new "Collect information" of type wmi. 

I use this doc. 

♪ ♫ Luiz Guilherme Nunes Fernandes ♫ ♪ 

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