[libhid-discuss] bug in configure

Brice Rebsamen brice.brice at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 10:13:35 CET 2006


I just compiled libhid and noticed a problem with configure. I don't
know anything about automake and so, thus I can't help fixing it, but
I thought I could at least report it.

I got libhid from SVN and I made sure I had appropriate version of
everything needed as stated in README.

The problem is in the Makefile of the swig directory. PYTHONINCLUDES
is defined as
PYTHONINCLUDES = ${prefix}/include/python2.4
and prefix is defined as /usr/local
However, on my system, python includes are located in /usr/include/python2.4

I think PYTHONINCLUDES should not be associated with ${prefix},
because, as I understand it, prefix is where we want to install the

Hope it will help for future releases

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